Technical code for feeder cable engineering with flexible metal tube 可挠金属电线保护管配线工程技术规范
Technical code for feeder cable engineering with flaxible metal tube 可挠金属电线保护管配线工程技术规范
Electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of 1kv and under feeder cable engineering 及以下配线工程施工及验收规范
Code for construction and acception of 1kv and under feeder cable engineering electric equipment installation engineering 电气装置安装工程1kv及以下配线工程施工及验收规范
Specification for construction quality checkout and evaluation of electric equipment installation part 16 : 1kv and under feeder cable engineering 电气装置安装工程质量检验及评定规程第16部分: 1kv及以下配线工程施工质量检验